"Resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change and keep going or choose to give up in the face of adversity, so we engage stronger, wiser and more able." from The Oasis School of Human Relations. The word resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire' which means "springing back". When the problems and adversities take your life, you instantly cope up and rise again. We Filipinos are resilient "hindi tayo natitinag". Instances like when we are hit by a typhoon, we easily recover from it, we build raft if the water is too high, or we stock up foods to eat in the middle of the storm. When our houses are destroyed, we immediately clean the debris, we collect scraps that can help fix our houses, and start again. We always stay positive and Fel Cadiz, a Rare program manager in the Philippines, "The Filipino spirit is resilient and remains strong. As they say, the sun shines bright after the storm p...